These separators efficiently separate oil and gas through gravity-based density differences.
Horizontal Separator: VesselPro’s horizontal separators are engineered to efficiently separate oil and gas streams for high- or low-pressure applications. They operate by coalescing liquid particles and utilizing the difference in density between oil, gas, and water. Inside the separator, the mixture enters and is slowed down, allowing the gas to rise to the top and the liquid hydrocarbons to settle at the bottom. A fluid flow then enters a mist eliminator where the smaller liquid particles form and drop out of the gas. VesselPro designs each vessel to separate 99.5% of liquid particles 10 microns or greater from the natural gas stream. This process ensures the extraction of valuable hydrocarbons while reducing the risk of contamination.
Pig launchers and receivers facilitate the insertion and removal of cleaning devices called pigs in pipelines.
Pig Launchers / Receiver: Pig launchers and receivers work by facilitating the insertion and removal of devices called pigs into pipelines. These devices perform various tasks, such as cleaning, inspecting, or separating different product batches. They ensure the pipeline remains free from debris and contaminants, ultimately prolonging its lifespan and maintaining its integrity.